BSc, MSc, CEng, MIMechE, MAPM, MInstP
Project management performance is of increasing significance to organisations, whatever their size, complexity or mission. John de Newtown Associates provide a range of services including training, workshops, health checks, tools and a range of other resources to help organisations develop their project management performance.
We have a particularly strong background in technically based programmes, such as Research and Development, Technical and Specification Writing and Lean Sigma methodologies, where our philosophy is to use methods and terminology that can readily be adopted in any context.
We hope you will be able to get an insight into how we work and download some useful resources by exploring the site. Please don’t hesitate to e-mail or call us on +44 [0] 7976 889676 if you would like to know more - we would be delighted to help.
project management training based on 3D-PM® principles provides proven, cost effective skill development
STAR WORKSHOPS provide a framework for improving the performance of current projects
the PRISM Test® offers a simple-to-use health check for past or present projects to identify areas for improvement
the STAR SYSTEM® is a generic project management toolkit that helps structure and deliver projects more professionally