Introducing the STAR system®
Regardless of size, all projects must pass through at least four key stages, each of which culminates in a significant ‘go/no-go’ decision gate where agreement to proceed must be reached between those funding the work and those who will carry it out. The STAR system provides an integrated framework of procedures, tools and techniques for implementing each of these key stages as the project progresses from conception to completion. It can either be used as the basis for developing a framework for managing projects where none exists or alternatively can be used to augment an existing framework.
The generic stages described within the STAR system are Strategy, Tactics, Action and Response. Organisations will use terminology for each of these stages which best describes the nature of the project and the work being carried out in each stage as illustrated in the table below.
The Strategy stage of a project is concerned with evaluating potential opportunities and concludes when a project idea meets pre-defined selection criteria that confirm it is a viable business opportunity. Once a project idea is approved, it is developed into a proposal during the Tactics stage at the end of which the full scope of the project, its duration, cost, programme and resources will be defined. Approval of a project proposal signals the go-ahead for a project team to implement the project and this ‘green button’ point often corresponds to contractual commitments being made between participating companies.
During the Action stage of the project, the team carries out the work needed to deliver the intended project outcomes to the ‘customer(s)’ for their acceptance (sign off) after which the ‘deliverables’ that have been created are put to use. Following transfer of ownership to the customer(s), the Response stage of the project ensures that any emerging operational problems are resolved and that the benefits of the project are fully realised. This stage is also the period during which project performance will be reviewed so that key learning points can be implemented on future projects.
Download a Summary of Key Documents for each stage in the project lifecycle
project management training based on 3D-PM® principles provides proven, cost effective skill development
STAR WORKSHOPS provide a framework for improving the performance of current projects
the PRISM Test® offers a simple-to-use health check for past or present projects to identify areas for improvement
the STAR SYSTEM® is a generic project management toolkit that helps structure and deliver projects more professionally